import abc import json import logging import time import traceback from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from enum import Enum, auto from functools import wraps from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) from amqpstorm import Message from amqpworker.easyqueue.connection import AMQPConnection from amqpworker.easyqueue.exceptions import UndecodableMessageException from amqpworker.easyqueue.message import AMQPMessage class DeliveryModes: NON_PERSISTENT = 1 PERSISTENT = 2 class ConnType(Enum): CONSUME = auto() WRITE = auto() class BaseQueue(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__( self, host: str, username: str, password: str, port: int = 5672, virtual_host: str = "/", heartbeat: int = 60, ) -> None: = host self.port = port self.username = username self.password = password self.virtual_host = virtual_host self.heartbeat = heartbeat @abc.abstractmethod def serialize(self, body: Any, **kwargs) -> str: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def deserialize(self, body: bytes) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError def _parse_message(self, content) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Gets the raw message body as an input, handles deserialization and outputs :param content: The raw message body """ try: return self.deserialize(content) except TypeError: return self.deserialize(content.decode()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: raise UndecodableMessageException( '"{content}" can\'t be decoded as JSON'.format(content=content) ) class BaseJsonQueue(BaseQueue): content_type = "application/json" def serialize(self, body: Any, **kwargs) -> str: return json.dumps(body, **kwargs) def deserialize(self, body: bytes) -> Any: return json.loads(body.decode()) def _ensure_conn_is_ready(conn_type: ConnType): def _ensure_connected(coro: Callable[..., Any]): @wraps(coro) def wrapper(self: "JsonQueue", *args, **kwargs): conn = self.conn_types[conn_type] retries = 0 while self.is_running and not conn.has_channel_ready(): try: conn._connect() break except Exception as e: time.sleep(self.seconds_between_conn_retry) retries += 1 if self.connection_fail_callback: self.connection_fail_callback(e, retries) if self.logger: self.logger.error( { "event": "reconnect-failure", "retry_count": retries, "exc_traceback": traceback.format_tb( e.__traceback__ ), } ) return coro(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return _ensure_connected T = TypeVar("T") class _ConsumptionHandler: def __init__( self, delegate: "QueueConsumerDelegate", queue: "JsonQueue", queue_name: str, ) -> None: self.delegate = delegate self.queue = queue self.queue_name = queue_name self.consumer_tag: Optional[str] = None def _handle_callback(self, callback, **kwargs): """ Chains the callback coroutine into a try/except and calls `on_message_handle_error` in case of failure, avoiding unhandled exceptions. :param callback: :param kwargs: :return: """ try: return callback(**kwargs) except Exception as e: return self.delegate.on_message_handle_error( handler_error=e, **kwargs ) def handle_message( self, message: Message ): msg = AMQPMessage( connection=self.queue.connection,, queue=self.queue,, delivery_tag=message.delivery_tag, deserialization_method=self.queue.deserialize, queue_name=self.queue_name, serialized_data=message.body, ) callback = self._handle_callback( self.delegate.on_queue_message, msg=msg # type: ignore ) return callback class JsonQueue(BaseQueue, Generic[T]): def __init__( self, host: str, username: str, password: str, port: int = 5672, delegate_class: Optional[Type["QueueConsumerDelegate"]] = None, delegate: Optional["QueueConsumerDelegate"] = None, virtual_host: str = "/", heartbeat: int = 60, prefetch_count: int = 100, seconds_between_conn_retry: int = 1, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, connection_fail_callback: Optional[ Callable[[Exception, int], None] ] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(host, username, password, port, virtual_host, heartbeat) if delegate is not None and delegate_class is not None: raise ValueError("Cant provide both delegate and delegate_class") if delegate_class is not None: self.delegate = delegate_class() else: self.delegate = delegate # type: ignore self.prefetch_count = prefetch_count on_error = self.delegate.on_connection_error if self.delegate else None self.connection = AMQPConnection( host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, virtual_host=virtual_host, heartbeat=heartbeat, on_error=on_error, ) self._write_connection = AMQPConnection( host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, virtual_host=virtual_host, heartbeat=heartbeat, on_error=on_error, ) self.conn_types = { ConnType.CONSUME: self.connection, ConnType.WRITE: self._write_connection, } self.seconds_between_conn_retry = seconds_between_conn_retry self.is_running = True self.logger = logger self.connection_fail_callback = connection_fail_callback def serialize(self, body: T, **kwargs) -> str: return json.dumps(body, **kwargs) def deserialize(self, body: bytes) -> T: return json.loads(body.decode()) def conn_for(self, type: ConnType) -> AMQPConnection: return self.conn_types[type] @_ensure_conn_is_ready(ConnType.WRITE) def put( self, routing_key: str, data: Any = None, serialized_data: Union[str, bytes] = "", exchange: str = "", properties: Optional[dict] = None, mandatory: bool = False, immediate: bool = False, ): """ :param data: A serializable data that should be serialized before publishing :param serialized_data: A payload to be published as is :param exchange: The exchange to publish the message :param routing_key: The routing key to publish the message """ if data and serialized_data: raise ValueError("Only one of data or json should be specified") if data: if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): serialized_data = data else: serialized_data = self.serialize(data, ensure_ascii=False) if properties is None: properties = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} elif not properties.get('Content-Type'): properties['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if not isinstance(serialized_data, bytes): serialized_data = serialized_data.encode() return body=serialized_data, exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, properties=properties, mandatory=mandatory, immediate=immediate, ) @_ensure_conn_is_ready(ConnType.CONSUME) def consume( self, queue_name: str, pool: ThreadPoolExecutor, delegate: "QueueConsumerDelegate", consumer_name: str = "", ) -> str: """ Connects the client if needed and starts queue consumption, sending `on_before_start_consumption` and `on_consumption_start` notifications to the delegate object :param queue_name: queue name to consume from :param consumer_name: An optional name to be used as a consumer identifier. If one isn't provided, a random one is generated by the broker :return: The consumer tag. Useful for cancelling/stopping consumption """ # todo: Implement a consumer tag generator handler = _ConsumptionHandler( delegate=delegate, queue=self, queue_name=queue_name ) delegate.on_before_start_consumption( queue_name=queue_name, queue=self ) prefetch_count=self.prefetch_count, prefetch_size=0, global_=False, ) consumer_tag = callback=handler.handle_message, consumer_tag=consumer_name, queue=queue_name, ) delegate.on_consumption_start( consumer_tag=consumer_tag, queue=self ) def start(): try: except: traceback.print_exc() pool.submit(start) handler.consumer_tag = consumer_tag return consumer_tag class QueueConsumerDelegate(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def on_before_start_consumption( self, queue_name: str, queue: JsonQueue ): """ Coroutine called before queue consumption starts. May be overwritten to implement further custom initialization. :param queue_name: Queue name that will be consumed :type queue_name: str :param queue: AsynQueue instanced :type queue: JsonQueue """ pass def on_consumption_start(self, consumer_tag: str, queue: JsonQueue): """ Coroutine called once consumption started. """ @abc.abstractmethod def on_queue_message(self, msg: AMQPMessage[Any]): """ Callback called every time that a new, valid and deserialized message is ready to be handled. :param msg: the consumed message """ raise NotImplementedError def on_message_handle_error(self, handler_error: Exception, **kwargs): """ Callback called when an uncaught exception was raised during message handling stage. :param handler_error: The exception that triggered :param kwargs: arguments used to call the coroutine that handled the message :return: """ pass def on_connection_error(self, exception: Exception): """ Called when the connection fails """ pass