import abc import asyncio import dataclasses import functools import signal from collections import UserList from enum import Enum, auto from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List, Optional from loguru import logger from busrtworker.boostrap import RpcBoot from busrtworker.busrt import OP_PUBLISH, Client, Frame, Rpc, serialize from busrtworker.kink import di from busrtworker.scheduler import ScheduledTaskRunner from busrtworker.tree import RadixTree @dataclasses.dataclass class ConnectionInfo: name: str = dataclasses.field() uri: str = dataclasses.field() client_prefix: str = dataclasses.field() static: bool = dataclasses.field() topic: str | None = dataclasses.field(default=None) init_rpc: bool = dataclasses.field(default=True) bus: Client = dataclasses.field(default=None, init=False) rpc: Rpc = dataclasses.field(default=None, init=False) final_name: str = dataclasses.field(default=None, init=False) def __getattr__(self, item): if not self.init_rpc: raise ValueError('must be init rpc client could call') return getattr(self.rpc, item) async def send(self, topic, data=None, decode=True): bus: Client = self.bus await bus.send(topic, Frame(serialize(data) if decode else data, tp=OP_PUBLISH)) def client_name(self): if not self.bus: raise ValueError('must be init busrt client could call') return class Router: table: dict = {} tree: RadixTree = RadixTree() def insert(self, path, handler, dynamic=False): if not dynamic: if path in self.table: raise ValueError(f'conflict route {path}') self.table[path] = handler else: self.tree.insert(path, handler, ['RPC']) def get(self, path): if path in self.table: return True, self.table[path], {} return self.tree.get(path, 'RPC') class ServiceEntrypoint: def __init__(self, connection: ConnectionInfo, app: 'App'): = = app if not in[] = {} if not in[] = Router() def on_call(self, method=None, auto_decode: bool = True, raw: bool = False): def _warp(f): target = method or (f.func.__name__ if isinstance(f, functools.partial) else f.__name__)[][target] = (f, auto_decode, asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f), raw) return f return _warp def subscribe(self, topic: str, auto_decode: bool = True, raw: bool = False): assert isinstance(topic, str), 'topic must be str' def _warp(f):[].insert(topic, (f, auto_decode, asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(f), raw), '/:' in topic) return f return _warp class Freezable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self): self._frozen = False @property def frozen(self) -> bool: return self._frozen async def freeze(self): self._frozen = True class Signal(UserList, asyncio.Event): """ Coroutine-based signal implementation tha behaves as an `asyncio.Event`. To connect a callback to a signal, use any list method. Signals are fired using the send() coroutine, which takes named arguments. """ def __init__(self, owner: Freezable) -> None: UserList.__init__(self) asyncio.Event.__init__(self) self._owner = owner self.frozen = False def __repr__(self): return "".format( self._owner, self.frozen, list(self) ) async def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends data to all registered receivers. """ if self.frozen: raise RuntimeError("Cannot send on frozen signal.") for receiver in self: await receiver(*args, **kwargs) self.frozen = True await self._owner.freeze() self.set() async def on_frame_default(app, frame): logger.opt(lazy=True).debug('{x}', x=lambda: f"default print 'Frame:', {hex(frame.type)}, frame.sender, frame.topic, frame.payload") async def on_call_default(app, event): logger.opt(lazy=True).debug('{x}', x=lambda: f"default print 'Rpc:', {event.frame.sender}, {event.method}, {event.get_payload()}") def entrypoint(f): @functools.wraps(f) def _(*args, **kwargs): try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(f(*args, **kwargs)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return _ class AutoNameEnum(str, Enum): def _generate_next_value_( # type: ignore name: str, start: int, count: int, last_values: List[str] ) -> str: return name.lower() class Options(AutoNameEnum): MAX_CONCURRENCY = auto() class DefaultValues: RUN_EVERY_MAX_CONCURRENCY = 1 class App(Freezable): callers: dict[str, callable] = {} subscribes: dict[str, Router] = {} connections: Dict[str, ConnectionInfo] = {} closeable = [] on_frame_default: callable = on_frame_default on_call_default: callable = on_call_default task_runners = [] def __init__(self): Freezable.__init__(self) self.boot = RpcBoot() self._on_startup: Signal = Signal(self) self._on_shutdown: Signal = Signal(self) self._on_startup.append(self.boot.startup) self._on_shutdown.append(self.boot.shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.shutdown) def registry(self, connection: ConnectionInfo): if self.frozen: raise RuntimeError( "You shouldn't change the state of a started application" ) self.connections[] = connection return ServiceEntrypoint(connection, self) def set_on_frame_default(self, on_frame: callable): self.on_frame_default = on_frame def set_on_call_default(self, on_call: callable): self.on_call_default = on_call @entrypoint async def run(self): if self.frozen: raise RuntimeError( "You shouldn't change the state of a started application" ) logger.debug({"event": "Booting App..."}) await self.startup() await self._on_shutdown.wait() async def startup(self): """ Causes on_startup signal Should be called in the event loop along with the request handler. """ await self._on_startup.send(self) def shutdown(self, *args) -> asyncio.Future: """ Schedules an on_startup signal Is called automatically when the application receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM """ logger.debug('do shutdown') return asyncio.ensure_future(self._on_shutdown.send(self)) def run_on_startup(self, coro: Callable[["App"], Coroutine]) -> None: """ Registers a coroutine to be awaited for during app startup """ self._on_startup.append(coro) def run_on_shutdown(self, coro: Callable[["App"], Coroutine]) -> None: """ Registers a coroutine to be awaited for during app shutdown """ self._on_shutdown.append(coro) def __getattr__(self, name): return self.connections[name] def __getitem__(self, name): return self.connections[name] def __setitem__(self, key, value): di[key] = value def run_every(self, seconds: int, options: Optional[Dict] = None): """ Registers a coroutine to be called with a given interval """ if options is None: options = {} max_concurrency = options.get( Options.MAX_CONCURRENCY, DefaultValues.RUN_EVERY_MAX_CONCURRENCY ) def wrapper(task: Callable[..., Coroutine]): runner = ScheduledTaskRunner( seconds=seconds, task=task, max_concurrency=max_concurrency, ) self._on_startup.append(runner.start) self._on_shutdown.append(runner.stop) self.task_runners.append(runner) return task return wrapper def rpc_running(self, name): if connection := self.connections.get(name, None): if rpc := connection.rpc: return rpc.is_connected() return False