import asyncio import time from import AsyncIterator from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine, Optional, Set, Union AsyncFuncType = Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]] class ClockTicker(AsyncIterator): """ T - A clock tick F - Something that happens inside an iteration ("x" = running "-" = waiting) I - A clock iteration E.g: async for tick in Clock(seconds=2): await asyncio.sleep(3) T: 15------17------19------21------23------25------27------29------ F: xxxxxxxxxxxxx---xxxxxxxxxxxxx---xxxxxxxxxxxxx---xxxxxxxxxxxxx--- I: x---------------x---------------x---------------x--------------- """ def __init__(self, seconds: Union[float, int]) -> None: """ :param seconds: Tick interval in seconds """ self.seconds = seconds self.current_iteration = 0 self._tick_event = asyncio.Event() self._running: Optional[bool] = None self._main_task: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator: if self._running is not None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot reuse a clock instance.") self._running = True self._main_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._run()) return self async def __anext__(self) -> int: if not self._running: raise StopAsyncIteration self._tick_event.clear() await self._tick_event.wait() i = self.current_iteration self.current_iteration += 1 return i async def _run(self) -> None: while self._running: self._tick_event.set() await asyncio.sleep(self.seconds) self._tick_event.clear() async def stop(self) -> None: self._running = False if self._main_task: await self._main_task def perf_counter_ms() -> float: """ Return the value (in fractional milliseconds) of a performance counter, i.e. a clock with the highest available resolution to measure a short duration. It does include time elapsed during sleep and is system-wide. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid. """ return time.perf_counter() * 1000 class ScheduledTaskRunner: def __init__( self, seconds: int, task: Callable[[], Coroutine], max_concurrency: int, ) -> None: self.seconds = seconds self.max_concurrency = max_concurrency self.task = task self.running_tasks: Set[asyncio.Future] = set() self.task_is_done_event = asyncio.Event() self._started = False self.clock = ClockTicker(seconds=self.seconds) async def can_dispatch_task(self) -> bool: if len(self.running_tasks) < self.max_concurrency: return True if await self.task_is_done_event.wait(): return True return False async def _wrapped_task(self) -> None: """ Wraps the future task on a coroutine that's responsible for unregistering itself from the "running tasks" and emitting an "task is done" event """ try: await self.task() finally: self.task_is_done_event.set() self.running_tasks.remove(asyncio.current_task()) # type: ignore async def start(self,*args,**kwargs) -> asyncio.Future: self._started = True return asyncio.ensure_future(self._run()) async def stop(self,*args,**kwargs) -> None: await self.clock.stop() await asyncio.gather(*self.running_tasks) async def _run(self) -> None: async for _ in self.clock: if await self.can_dispatch_task(): task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._wrapped_task()) self.running_tasks.add(task) self.task_is_done_event.clear()